【2011 ∕ 01 ∕ 04】


01:01 — 猶大王約雅敬在位第三年,巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒來到耶路撒冷,將城圍困。
In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
01:02 — 主將猶大王約雅敬,並神殿中器皿的幾分交付他手。他就把這器皿帶到示拿地,收入他神的廟裡,放在他神的庫中。
And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylonia and put in the treasure house of his god.
01:03 — 王吩咐太監長亞施毗拿,從以色列人的宗室和貴冑中帶進幾個人來,
Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility--
01:04 — 就是年少沒有殘疾、相貌俊美、通達各樣學問、知識聰明俱備、足能侍立在王宮裡的,要教他們迦勒底的文字言語。
young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.
01:05 — 王派定將自己所用的膳和所飲的酒,每日賜他們一分,養他們三年。滿了三年,好叫他們在王面前侍立。
The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king's table. They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were to enter the king's service.
01:06 — 他們中間有猶大族的人:但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅。
Among these were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
01:07 — 太監長給他們起名:稱但以理為伯提沙撒,稱哈拿尼雅為沙得拉,稱米沙利為米煞,稱亞撒利雅為亞伯尼歌。
The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abednego.
01:08 — 但以理卻立志不以王的膳和王所飲的酒玷污自己,所以求太監長容他不玷污自己。
But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.
01:09 — 神使但以理在太監長眼前蒙恩惠,受憐憫。
Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel,
省 思 語— 我想要追求屬肉體的滿足,還是過著敬虔的生活呢?為了持守純正的信心,我要做什麼努力?
省 思 語— 今年我要為哪些事在神面前立定心志?為了活出不受玷污的聖潔生活,我要改變自己哪些部分?

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【2011 ∕ 01 ∕ 03】


16:23 — 全地都要向耶和華歌唱!天天傳揚他的救恩,
Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.
16:24 — 在列邦中述說他的榮耀,在萬民中述說他的奇事。
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
16:25 — 因耶和華為大,當受極大的讚美;他在萬神之上,當受敬畏。
For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
16:26 — 外邦的神都屬虛無,惟獨耶和華創造諸天。
For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.
16:27 — 有尊榮和威嚴在他面前,有能力和喜樂在他聖所。
Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place.
16:28 — 民中的萬族啊,你們要將榮耀能力歸給耶和華,都歸給耶和華!
Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength,
16:29 — 要將耶和華的名所當得的榮耀歸給他,拿供物來奉到他面前;當以聖潔的(的:或譯為)妝飾敬拜耶和華。
ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name. Bring an offering and come before him; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
16:30 — 全地要在他面前戰抖,世界也堅定不得動搖。
Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
16:31 — 願天歡喜,願地快樂;願人在列邦中說:耶和華作王了!
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"
16:32 — 願海和其中所充滿的澎湃;願田和其中所有的都歡樂。
Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them!
16:33 — 那時,林中的樹木都要在耶和華面前歡呼,因為他來要審判全地。
Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. 
16:34 — 應當稱謝耶和華;因他本為善,他的慈愛永遠長存!
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
16:35 — 要說:拯救我們的神啊,求你救我們,聚集我們,使我們脫離外邦,我們好稱讚你的聖名,以讚美你為誇勝。
Cry out, "Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise."
16:36 — 耶和華—以色列的神,從亙古直到永遠,是應當稱頌的!眾民都說:「阿們!」並且讚美耶和華。
Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said "Amen" and "Praise the LORD."

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【2011 ∕ 01 ∕ 02】


16:07 — 那日,大衛初次藉亞薩和他的弟兄以詩歌稱頌耶和華,說:
That day David first committed to Asaph and his associates this psalm of thanks to the LORD:
16:08 — 你們要稱謝耶和華,求告他的名,在萬民中傳揚他的作為!
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
16:09 — 要向他唱詩、歌頌,談論他一切奇妙的作為。
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.
16:10 — 要以他的聖名誇耀;尋求耶和華的人,心中應當歡喜。
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
16:11 — 要尋求耶和華與他的能力,時常尋求他的面。
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
16:12 —
16:13 —
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, O descendants of Israel his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones.
16:14 — 他是耶和華—我們的神,全地都有他的判斷。
He is the LORD our God; his judgments are in all the earth.
16:15 — 你們要記念他的約,直到永遠;他所吩咐的話,直到千代,
He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded, for a thousand generations,
16:16 — 就是與亞伯拉罕所立的約,向以撒所起的誓。
the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac.
16:17 — 他又將這約向雅各定為律例,向以色列定為永遠的約,
He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
16:18 — 說:我必將迦南地賜給你,作你產業的分。
"To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit." 
16:19 — 當時你們人丁有限,數目稀少,並且在那地為寄居的;
When they were but few in number, few indeed, and strangers in it, 
16:20 — 他們從這邦游到那邦,從這國行到那國。
they wandered from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another.
16:21 — 耶和華不容甚麼人欺負他們,為他們的緣故責備君王,
He allowed no man to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings:
16:22 — 說:不可難為我受膏的人,也不可惡待我的先知!
"Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."

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