
今天的老師是男的@@不過不知道是前面兩次訓練的結果還是今天的老師給我太簡單的,我只用一個小時就畫完了= =+




✿ 米拉‧ⓜⓘⓡⓐ ✿


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【2012 ∕ 11 ∕ 08】


21:17 — 惡人的燈何嘗熄滅?患難何嘗臨到他們呢?神何嘗發怒,向他們分散災禍呢?
"Yet how often is the lamp of the wicked snuffed out? How often does calamity come upon them, the fate God allots in his anger?
21:18 — 他們何嘗像風前的碎,如暴風颳去的糠呢?
How often are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a gale?
21:19 — 你們說:神為惡人的兒女積蓄罪孽;我說:不如本人受報,好使他親自知道。
(((It is said,))) `God stores up a man's punishment for his sons. 'Let him repay the man himself, so that he will know it!
21:20 — 願他親眼看見自己敗亡,親自飲全能者的忿怒。
Let his own eyes see his destruction; let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.
21:21 — 他的歲月既盡,他還顧他本家麼?
For what does he care about the family he leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?
21:22 — 神既審判那在高位的,誰能將知識教訓他呢?
"Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since he judges even the highest?
21:23 — 有人至死身體強壯,盡得平靖安逸;
One man dies in full vigor, completely secure and at ease,
21:24 — 他的奶桶充滿,他的骨髓滋潤。
his body well nourished, his bones rich with marrow.
21:25 — 有人至死心中痛苦,終身未嘗福樂的滋味;
Another man dies in bitterness of soul, never having enjoyed anything good.
21:26 — 他們一樣躺臥在塵土中,都被蟲子遮蓋。
Side by side they lie in the dust, and worms cover them both.
21:27 — 我知道你們的意思,並誣害我的計謀。
"I know full well what you are thinking, the schemes by which you would wrong me.
21:28 — 你們說:霸者的房屋在那裏?惡人住過的帳棚在那裏?
You say, `Where now is the great man's house, the tents where wicked men lived?
21:29 — 你們豈沒有詢問過路的人麼?不知道他們所引的證據麼?
'Have you never questioned those who travel? Have you paid no regard to their accounts--
21:30 — 就是惡人在禍患的日子得存留,在發怒的日子得逃脫。
that the evil man is spared from the day of calamity, that he is delivered from the day of wrath?
21:31 — 他所行的,有誰當面給他說明?他所做的,有誰報應他呢?
Who denounces his conduct to his face? Who repays him for what he has done?
21:32 — 然而他要被抬到塋地;並有人看守墳墓。
He is carried to the grave, and watch is kept over his tomb.
21:33 — 他要以谷中的土塊為甘甜;在他以先去的無數,在他以後去的更多。
The soil in the valley is sweet to him; all men follow after him, and a countless throng goes before him.
21:34 — 你們對答的話中既都錯謬,怎麼徒然安慰我呢?
"So how can you console me with your nonsense? Nothing is left of your answers but falsehood!"
省 思 語— 我在什麼時候會覺得神不公平?在不公平的現實中相信公平的神,是什麼意思呢?
省 思 語— 要如何解釋聖徒過得比不信的人更不好、事情更不順利的情況呢?
省 思 語— 神以公平顯出祂聖潔的愛,以公義顯出對罪的厭惡。



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挖後!今天畫超難的!= =+





✿ 米拉‧ⓜⓘⓡⓐ ✿


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