【2012 ∕ 12 ∕ 03】
 QT :所有主導權都在於神(約伯記35:01—35:16)


35:01 — 以利戶又說:
Then Elihu said:
35:02 — 你以為有理,或以為你的公義勝於神的公義,
"Do you think this is just? You say, `I will be cleared by God.
35:03 — 纔說這與我有甚麼益處?我不犯罪比犯罪有甚麼好處呢?
'Yet you ask him, `What profit is it to me, and what do I gain by not sinning?
35:04 — 我要回答你和在你這裏的朋友。
"'I would like to reply to you and to your friends with you.
35:05 — 你要向天觀看,瞻望那高於你的穹蒼。
Look up at the heavens and see; gaze at the clouds so high above you.
35:06 — 你若犯罪,能使神受何害呢?你的過犯加增,能使神受何損呢?
If you sin, how does that affect him? If your sins are many, what does that do to him?
35:07 — 你若是公義,還能加增他甚麼呢?他從你手裏還接受甚麼呢?
If you are righteous, what do you give to him, or what does he receive from your hand?
35:08 — 你的過惡或能害你這類的人;你的公義或能叫世人得益處。
Your wickedness affects only a man like yourself, and your righteousness only the sons of men.
35:09 — 人因多受欺壓就哀求,因受能者的轄制(原文是膀臂)便求救,
"Men cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relief from the arm of the powerful.
35:10 — 卻無人說:造我的神在那裏?他使人夜間歌唱,
But no one says, `Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night,
35:11 — 教訓我們勝於地上的走獸,使我們有聰明勝於空中的飛鳥。
who teaches more to us than to the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the air?
35:12 — 他們在那裏,因惡人的驕傲呼求,卻無人答應。
'He does not answer when men cry out because of the arrogance of the wicked.
35:13 — 虛妄的呼求,神必不垂聽;全能者也必不眷顧。
Indeed, God does not listen to their empty plea; the Almighty pays no attention to it.
35:14 — 何況你說,你不得見他;你的案件在他面前,你等候他吧。
How much less, then, will he listen when you say that you do not see him, that your case is before him and you must wait for him,
35:15 — 但如今因他未曾發怒降罰,也不甚理會狂傲,
and further, that his anger never punishes and he does not take the least notice of wickedness.
35:16 — 所以約伯開口說虛妄的話,多發無知識的言語。
So Job opens his mouth with empty talk; without knowledge he multiplies words."
省 思 語— 神所行的一切都是恩惠與恩典,神的恩典不是我們行為的賞賜。神賜給我們的一切,不是對我們的行為所做出的回應,而是與行為無關的愛的禮物,我們應該單單以感恩來回應神的恩典。
省 思 語— 神不回應是因為呼求的人犯了錯,其錯誤就是呼求者並不尋求創造主——滿有智慧的神,只是為了免除痛苦而求神幫助;他們將神視為問題解決者,而不是獻上感謝與榮耀的對象。
省 思 語— 神允許惡靠近我們身邊的同時,也會賜下可以勝過那惡的武器。



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【2012 ∕ 12 ∕ 02】


34:21 — 神注目觀看人的道路,看明人的腳步。
"His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step.
34:22 — 沒有黑暗、陰翳能給作孽的藏身。
There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide.
34:23 — 神審判人,不必使人到他面前再三鑒察。
God has no need to examine men further, that they should come before him for judgment.
34:24 — 他用難測之法打破有能力的人,設立別人代替他們。
Without inquiry he shatters the mighty and sets up others in their place.
34:25 — 他原知道他們的行為,使他們在夜間傾倒滅亡。
Because he takes note of their deeds, he overthrows them in the night and they are crushed.
34:26 — 他在眾人眼前擊打他們,如同擊打惡人一樣。
He punishes them for their wickedness where everyone can see them,
34:27 — 因為他們偏行不跟從他,也不留心他的道,
because they turned from following him and had no regard for any of his ways.
34:28 — 甚至使貧窮人的哀聲達到他那裏;他也聽了困苦人的哀聲。
They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy.
34:29 — 他使人安靜,誰能擾亂(或作:定罪)呢?他掩面,誰能見他呢?無論待一國或一人都是如此
But if he remains silent, who can condemn him? If he hides his face, who can see him? Yet he is over man and nation alike,
34:30 — 使不虔敬的人不得作王,免得有人牢籠百姓。
to keep a godless man from ruling, from laying snares for the people.
34:31 — 有誰對神說:我受了責罰,不再犯罪;
"Suppose a man says to God, `I am guilty but will offend no more.
34:32 — 我所看不明的,求你指教我;我若作了孽,必不再作?
Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again.
34:33 — 他施行報應,豈要隨你的心願、叫你推辭不受麼?選定的是你,不是我。你所知道的只管說吧!
'Should God then reward you on your terms, when you refuse to repent? You must decide, not I; so tell me what you know.
34:34 — 明理的人和聽我話的智慧人必對我說:
"Men of understanding declare, wise men who hear me say to me,
34:35 — 約伯說話沒有知識,言語中毫無智慧。
`Job speaks without knowledge; his words lack insight.
34:36 — 願約伯被試驗到底,因他回答像惡人一樣。
'Oh, that Job might be tested to the utmost for answering like a wicked man!
34:37 — 他在罪上又加悖逆;在我們中間拍手,用許多言語輕慢神。
To his sin he adds rebellion; scornfully he claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God."
省 思 語— 在鑒察各人道路的神面前,我應該如何生活?神不發怒而保持沈默的理由是什麼?
省 思 語— 凡是以神為中心與不是這樣生活的人之間有什麼差異?以自己的標準來判斷行事,會遇到什麼問題?



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【2012 ∕ 12 ∕ 01】


34:01 — 以利戶又說:
Then Elihu said:
34:02 — 你們智慧人要聽我的話;有知識的人要留心聽我說。
"Hear my words, you wise men; listen to me, you men of learning.
34:03 — 因為耳朵試驗話語,好像上膛嘗食物。
For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.
34:04 — 我們當選擇何為是,彼此知道何為善。
Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good.
34:05 — 約伯曾說:我是公義,神奪去我的理;
"Job says, `I am innocent, but God denies me justice.
34:06 — 我雖有理,還算為說謊言的;我雖無過,受的傷還不能醫治。
Although I am right, I am considered a liar; although I am guiltless, his arrow inflicts an incurable wound.
34:07 — 誰像約伯,喝譏誚如同喝水呢?
'What man is like Job, who drinks scorn like water?
34:08 — 他與作孽的結伴,和惡人同行。
He keeps company with evildoers; he associates with wicked men.
34:09 — 他說:人以神為樂,總是無益。
For he says, `It profits a man nothing when he tries to please God.
34:10 — 所以,你們明理的人要聽我的話。神斷不致行惡;全能者斷不致作孽。
"'So listen to me, you men of understanding. Far be it from God to do evil, from the Almighty to do wrong.
34:11 — 他必按人所做的報應人,使各人照所行的得報。
He repays a man for what he has done; he brings upon him what his conduct deserves.
34:12 — 神必不作惡;全能者也不偏離公平。
It is unthinkable that God would do wrong, that the Almighty would pervert justice.
34:13 — 誰派他治理地,安定全世界呢?
Who appointed him over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world?
34:14 — 他若專心為己,將靈和氣收歸自己,
If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath,
34:15 — 凡有血氣的就必一同死亡;世人必仍歸塵土。
all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust.
34:16 — 你若明理,就當聽我的話,留心聽我言語的聲音。
"If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.
34:17 — 難道恨惡公平的可以掌權麼?那有公義的、有大能的,豈可定他有罪麼?
Can he who hates justice govern? Will you condemn the just and mighty One?
34:18 — 他對君王說:你是鄙陋的;對貴臣說:你是邪惡的。
Is he not the One who says to kings, `You are worthless, 'and to nobles, `You are wicked,
34:19 — 他待王子不徇情面,也不看重富足的過於貧窮的,因為都是他手所造。
'who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?
34:20 — 在轉眼之間,半夜之中,他們就死亡。百姓被震動而去世;有權力的被奪去非借人手。
They die in an instant, in the middle of the night; the people are shaken and they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand.
省 思 語— 我曾經因為無意中抱怨而遭受責備嗎?為了避免毀謗神和人,我應該怎麼做?
省 思 語— 我信靠以完全的義來行事的神嗎?在看人內心的神面前,我的內心是什麼樣子呢?
省 思 語— 神透過試煉來試驗我們;魔鬼透過誘惑來試探我們;世界透過逼迫來試探我們。



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