【2012 ∕ 10 ∕ 10】


06:01 — 約伯回答說:
Then Job replied:
06:02 — 惟願我的煩惱稱一稱,我一切的災害放在天平裏;
"If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the scales! 
06:03 — 現今都比海沙更重,所以我的言語急躁。
It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas-- no wonder my words have been impetuous.
06:04 — 因全能者的箭射入我身;其毒,我的靈喝盡了;神的驚嚇擺陣攻擊我。
The arrows of the Almighty are in me, my spirit drinks in their poison; God's terrors are marshaled against me.
06:05 — 野驢有草豈能叫喚?牛有料豈能吼叫?
Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?
06:06 — 物淡而無鹽豈可喫麼?蛋青有甚麼滋味呢?
Is tasteless food eaten without salt, or is there flavor in the white of an egg?
06:07 — 看為可厭的食物,我心不肯挨近。
I refuse to touch it; such food makes me ill. 
06:08 — 惟願我得著所求的,願神賜我所切望的;
"Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant what I hope for,
06:09 — 就是願神把我壓碎,伸手將我剪除。
that God would be willing to crush me, to let loose his hand and cut me off!
06:10 — 我因沒有違棄那聖者的言語,就仍以此為安慰,在不止息的痛苦中還可踴躍。
Then I would still have this consolation-- my joy in unrelenting pain-- that I had not denied the words of the Holy One.
06:11 — 我有甚麼氣力使我等候?我有甚麼結局使我忍耐?
"What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient?
06:12 — 我的氣力豈是石頭的氣力?我的肉身豈是銅的呢?
Do I have the strength of stone? Is my flesh bronze?
06:13 — 在我豈不是毫無幫助麼?智慧豈不是從我心中趕出淨盡麼?
Do I have any power to help myself, now that success has been driven from me?
省 思 語— 聖徒是將自己的困難視為輕省、將他人的困難視為沈重的人。
省 思 語— 誰在我最辛苦的時候成為我極大的安慰?真心理解對方痛苦的愛心是從何而來?
省 思 語— 世上沒有無用的人,任何人都有存在的理由與價值。
省 思 語— 我存在的價值與理由、我力量的根源在誰那裡呢?現在我沒有氣力,是否是因為與神分離呢?



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【2012 ∕ 10 ∕ 09】


05:17 — 神所懲治的人是有福的!所以你不可輕看全能者的管教。
"Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
05:18 — 因為他打破,又纏裹;他擊傷,用手醫治。
For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal. 
05:19 — 你六次遭難,他必救你;就是七次,災禍也無法害你。
From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.
05:20 — 在饑荒中,他必救你脫離死亡;在爭戰中,他必救你脫離刀劍的權力。
In famine he will ransom you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword. 
05:21 — 你必被隱藏,不受口舌之害;災殃臨到,你也不懼怕。
You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction comes.
05:22 — 你遇見災害饑饉,就必嬉笑;地上的野獸,你也不懼怕。
You will laugh at destruction and famine, and need not fear the beasts of the earth. 
05:23 — 因為你必與田間的石頭立約;田裏的野獸也必與你和好。
For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
05:24 — 你必知道你帳棚平安,要查看你的羊圈,一無所失;
You will know that your tent is secure; you will take stock of your property and find nothing missing. 
05:25 — 也必知道你的後裔將來發達,你的子孫像地上的青草。
You will know that your children will be many, and your descendants like the grass of the earth.
05:26 — 你必壽高年邁纔歸墳墓,好像禾捆到時收藏。
You will come to the grave in full vigor, like sheaves gathered in season.
05:27 — 這理,我們已經考察,本是如此。你須要聽,要知道是與自己有益。
"We have examined this, and it is true. So hear it and apply it to yourself."
省 思 語— 神的懲戒不是要降下破滅與死亡,而是為了帶來恢復與改變。
省 思 語— 基督徒的生活就是經過苦難的旅程並進到榮耀中的道路。
省 思 語— 我們不可以用自己的價值觀與標準來評量、判斷神的真理,在憑藉自己的經驗與知識之前,更需要智慧,得以分辨神透過聖經啟示的旨意。



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