【2012 ∕ 11 ∕ 19】


28:12 — 然而,智慧有何處可尋?聰明之處在那裏呢?
"But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?
28:13 — 智慧的價值無人能知,在活人之地也無處可尋。
Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.
28:14 — 深淵說:不在我內;滄海說:不在我中。
The deep says, `It is not in me'; the sea says, `It is not with me.
28:15 — 智慧非用黃金可得,也不能平白銀為他的價值。
'It cannot be bought with the finest gold, nor can its price be weighed in silver.
28:16 — 俄斐金和貴重的紅瑪瑙,並藍寶石,不足與較量;
It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, with precious onyx or sapphires.
28:17 — 黃金和玻璃不足與比較;精金的器皿不足與兌換。
Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can it be had for jewels of gold.
28:18 — 珊瑚、水晶都不足論;智慧的價值勝過珍珠(或作:紅寶石)。
Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
28:19 — 古實的紅璧璽不足與比較;精金也不足與較量。
The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it; it cannot be bought with pure gold.
28:20 — 智慧從何處來呢?聰明之處在那裏呢?
"Where then does wisdom come from? Where does understanding dwell?
28:21 — 是向一切有生命的眼目隱藏,向空中的飛鳥掩蔽。
It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing, concealed even from the birds of the air.
28:22 — 滅沒和死亡說:我們風聞其名。
Destruction and Death say, `Only a rumor of it has reached our ears.
28:23 — 神明白智慧的道路,曉得智慧的所在。
'God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells,
28:24 — 因他鑒察直到地極,遍觀普天之下,
for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.
28:25 — 要為風定輕重,又度量諸水;
When he established the force of the wind and measured out the waters,
28:26 — 他為雨露定命令,為雷電定道路。
when he made a decree for the rain and a path for the thunderstorm,
28:27 — 那時他看見智慧,而且述說;他堅定,並且查究。
then he looked at wisdom and appraised it; he confirmed it and tested it.
28:28 — 他對人說:敬畏主就是智慧;遠離惡便是聰明。
And he said to man, `The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.' "
省 思 語— 世界的智慧會使人驕傲,然而神的智慧能使人謙卑和順服。












✿ 米拉‧ⓜⓘⓡⓐ

《活潑的生命》2012-11-19 http://www.cgntv.net/player/tiny.cgn?vid=102323


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